
The DateFrameDBs is the persistent, space efficient columnar database, inspired by DataFrames and columnar databases like ClickHouse.

The DateFrameDBs allows you to work with a large amount of data that does not fit in memory

It's experimental package, so, please report bugs by opening an issue.


Julia >=1.2 required

The DataFrameDBs is not yet part of Julia package system, you can install it directly from github:

import Pkg; Pkg.add(Pkg.PackageSpec(url = ""))


The DataFramesDBs is a columnar database. It stores each data column as a separate file in a table folder. When writing to disk, each column is divided into blocks (the default block is 65536 elements), and each block is compressed using lz4 compression.

Currently DataFramesDB can store arrays for which eltype is one of:

  • any subtype of Numbers
  • Date, DateTime, Time
  • Tuple with elements of types above
  • String
  • Union{Missing, T} where T is one types above

You can also store any custom isbitstype type with little efforts

In the future, I plan to get support of arrays, nested arrays and categorial arrays

If you want data only from the specific columns with some condition mathcing, when only that data will be allocated, not entire table. For example if you want see the product name and price for sales in a particular category, then only that data will be materialized.

Get Started

Create and fill test table

Lets create empty table:

julia> using DataFrameDBs
julia> t = empty_table("test_table")

Thats create dir test_table in you current directory and write meta of table to it

Lets add some columns to our table:

julia> size = 3000000
julia> add_column!(t, :id, 1:size, show_progress = true)
Time: 0:00:00 written: 3.0 MRows (16.27 MRows/sec), uncompressed size: 22.89 MB, compressed size: 11.45 MB, compression ratio: 2.0

julia> add_column!(t, :code, rand(1:1000, size), show_progress = true)
Time: 0:00:00 writerd: 3.0 MRows (49.7 MRows/sec), uncompressed size: 22.89 MB, compressed size: 8.97 MB, compression ratio: 2.55

julia> brands = ["apple", "samsung", "huawai", "microsoft", "dell", "xbox", "sony", "intel"]
julia> add_column!(t, :brand, rand(brands, size), show_progress = true)
Time: 0:00:00 writerd: 3.0 MRows (19.91 MRows/sec), uncompressed size: 27.18 MB, compressed size: 9.54 MB, compression ratio: 2.85

julia> add_column!(t, :price, rand(1.:0.1:2000., size), show_progress = true)
Time: 0:00:00 writerd: 3.0 MRows (20.34 MRows/sec), uncompressed size: 22.89 MB, compressed size: 11.85 MB, compression ratio: 1.93

julia> table_stats(t)
5×6 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ column      │ type    │ rows      │ uncompressed size │ compressed size │ compression ratio │
│     │ Symbol      │ String  │ String    │ String            │ String          │ Float64           │
│ 1   │ id          │ Int64   │ 3.0 MRows │ 22.89 MB          │ 11.45 MB        │ 2.0               │
│ 2   │ code        │ Int64   │ 3.0 MRows │ 22.89 MB          │ 8.97 MB         │ 2.55              │
│ 3   │ brand       │ String  │ 3.0 MRows │ 27.18 MB          │ 9.54 MB         │ 2.85              │
│ 4   │ price       │ Float64 │ 3.0 MRows │ 22.89 MB          │ 11.85 MB        │ 1.93              │
│ 5   │ Table total │         │ 3.0 MRows │ 95.84 MB          │ 41.82 MB        │ 2.29              │

Now we have the table with 4 columns and 3 million row. it takes 42 MB of disk space and will allocate 95 MB of memory with full materialization. This table is stored on disc, so if you close REPL you can reopen it with

julia> t = open_table("test_table/")
DFTable path: test_table/
5×6 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ column      │ type    │ rows      │ uncompressed size │ compressed size │ compression ratio │
│     │ Symbol      │ String  │ String    │ String            │ String          │ Float64           │
│ 1   │ id          │ Int64   │ 3.0 MRows │ 22.89 MB          │ 11.45 MB        │ 2.0               │
│ 2   │ code        │ Int64   │ 3.0 MRows │ 22.89 MB          │ 8.97 MB         │ 2.55              │
│ 3   │ brand       │ String  │ 3.0 MRows │ 27.18 MB          │ 9.54 MB         │ 2.85              │
│ 4   │ price       │ Float64 │ 3.0 MRows │ 22.89 MB          │ 11.85 MB        │ 1.93              │
│ 5   │ Table total │         │ 3.0 MRows │ 95.84 MB          │ 41.82 MB        │ 2.29              │

You can materialize entire DFTable to DataFrame:

julia> materialize(t)
3000000×4 DataFrames.DataFrame

or can see the head of the table:

julia> head(t)
10×4 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ id    │ code  │ brand     │ price   │
│     │ Int64 │ Int64 │ String    │ Float64 │
│ 1   │ 1     │ 434   │ sony      │ 413.2   │
│ 2   │ 2     │ 384   │ xbox      │ 1533.5  │
│ 3   │ 3     │ 928   │ huawai    │ 1988.1  │
│ 4   │ 4     │ 644   │ xbox      │ 1566.4  │
│ 5   │ 5     │ 794   │ apple     │ 194.4   │
│ 6   │ 6     │ 330   │ huawai    │ 619.1   │
│ 7   │ 7     │ 248   │ samsung   │ 781.0   │
│ 8   │ 8     │ 766   │ samsung   │ 842.2   │
│ 9   │ 9     │ 424   │ xbox      │ 48.2    │
│ 10  │ 10    │ 783   │ microsoft │ 628.1   │

Selections on a table

The main advantage of DataFramesDB is that it only materializes the data that you need and when you need it

julia> view = t[:,[:brand,:price]]
View of table test_table/
Projection: brand=>col(brand)::String; price=>col(price)::Float64

view is lazy view of the table with 2 columns :brand and :price. Its only hold information about source table, projection and selection rules, but not data of table. You can materialize it with materialize(view) or use it in future selections

julia> view2 = view[1:10:end, :]
View of table dev_files/test_table/
Projection: brand=>col(brand)::String; price=>col(price)::Float64
Selection: 1:10:2999991

julia> view = view[1:5:end, :]
View of table dev_files/test_table/
Projection: id=>col(id)::Int64; code=>col(code)::Int64; brand=>col(brand)::String; price=>col(price)::Float64
Selection: 1:50:2999951

julia> view3 = view2[1:10, :]
View of table dev_files/test_table/
Projection: brand=>col(brand)::String; price=>col(price)::Float64
Selection: 1:10:91

julia> view4 = view3[[1,4,5], :]
View of table dev_files/test_table/
Projection: brand=>col(brand)::String; price=>col(price)::Float64
Selection: [1, 31, 41]

Now materialization of view4 need only rows 1, 31 and 41, which is rows 1, 4 and 5 form every 5 out of every ten rows of origin table

julia> materialize(view4)
3×2 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ brand  │ price   │
│     │ String │ Float64 │
│ 1   │ sony   │ 413.2   │
│ 2   │ huawai │ 1321.7  │
│ 3   │ huawai │ 188.8   │

Single column represented by type DFColumn{T} where T is the element type. The DFColumn is not a AbstractVector, but it support iterations and getindex. You can get a column from view with view.<column_name> or view[:, :<column_name>]

julia> column = view.brand

julia> view[:,:id]

The DFColumn is lazy too. It can be materialized to a vector with materialize, or it can be used with a function that supports iterators as arguments.

julia> unique(column)
8-element Array{Any,1}:

In this example column is not fully materialized. Its materialize one block (65536 rows of source table) at time and send it to unique.

DFColumn can be broadcated. Broadcast of DFColumns and, if any, scalar vars is DFColumn too:

julia> t.price .* 10

julia> t.code .>

At iterating, broadcast of DFColums read only required columns from disc, one block at time, and run broadcast function at that block. So iteration don't require full allocation of columns

DFColumn{Bool} can be used as a row index in view.

julia> view = t[t.brand.=="sony", :]
View of table test_table/
Projection: id=>col(id)::Int64; code=>col(code)::Int64; brand=>col(brand)::String; price=>col(price)::Float64
Selection: ==(col(brand)::String, Base.RefValue{String}("sony"))::Bool

julia> head(view)
10×4 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ id    │ code  │ brand  │ price   │
│     │ Int64 │ Int64 │ String │ Float64 │
│ 1   │ 1     │ 434   │ sony   │ 413.2   │
│ 2   │ 11    │ 523   │ sony   │ 1643.4  │
│ 3   │ 12    │ 753   │ sony   │ 785.1   │
│ 4   │ 14    │ 408   │ sony   │ 1971.9  │
│ 5   │ 21    │ 534   │ sony   │ 914.1   │
│ 6   │ 24    │ 500   │ sony   │ 307.6   │
│ 7   │ 46    │ 109   │ sony   │ 1537.2  │
│ 8   │ 49    │ 621   │ sony   │ 761.0   │
│ 9   │ 54    │ 689   │ sony   │ 1616.3  │
│ 10  │ 55    │ 738   │ sony   │ 410.6   │

You can construct new view from DFColumns, that have a similar selection:

julia> view = t[1:100:end, :]
View of table test_table/
Projection: id=>col(id)::Int64; code=>col(code)::Int64; brand=>col(brand)::String; price=>col(price)::Float64
Selection: 1:100:2999901

julia> new_view = DFView(id =, double_price = view.price.*2, id_plus_code =
View of table test_table/
Projection: id=>col(id)::Int64; double_price=>*(col(price)::Float64, 2)::Float64; id_plus_code=>+(col(id)::Int64, col(code)::Int64)::Int64
Selection: 1:100:2999901

julia> head(new_view)
10×3 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ id    │ double_price │ id_plus_code │
│     │ Int64 │ Float64      │ Int64        │
│ 1   │ 1     │ 826.4        │ 435          │
│ 2   │ 101   │ 2546.0       │ 408          │
│ 3   │ 201   │ 3624.0       │ 469          │
│ 4   │ 301   │ 3783.4       │ 760          │
│ 5   │ 401   │ 3851.4       │ 417          │
│ 6   │ 501   │ 2455.0       │ 1030         │
│ 7   │ 601   │ 1092.6       │ 1120         │
│ 8   │ 701   │ 1737.4       │ 978          │
│ 9   │ 801   │ 567.6        │ 1088         │
│ 10  │ 901   │ 2537.8       │ 1429         │

To drop test table use drop_table!(t) or just remove dir test_table/ from disc

Real Data Example

Import data

I use this dataset as example. Before start, please, download and unzip it (registraion on kaggle is required). This dataset contains 100 millions rows and take 14GB in csv format. Let's create the DataFrameDBs table from the first CSV file, it will take several minutes:

julia> using DataFrameDBs
julia> using CSV
julia> t = create_table("ecommerce", from = CSV.Rows("ecommerce-behavior-data-from-multi-category-store/2019-Oct.csv", reuse_row=true), show_progress=true)
Time: 0:03:24 writerd: 42.45 MRows (207.12 KRows/sec), uncompressed size: 6.35 GB, compressed size: 2.15 GB, compression ratio: 2.95
DFTable path: ecommerce
10×6 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ column        │ type                   │ rows        │ uncompressed size │ compressed size │ compression ratio │
│     │ Symbol        │ String                 │ String      │ String            │ String          │ Float64           │
│ 1   │ event_time    │ Union{Missing, String} │ 42.45 MRows │ 1.07 GB           │ 28.82 MB        │ 37.93             │
│ 2   │ event_type    │ Union{Missing, String} │ 42.45 MRows │ 326.69 MB         │ 14.99 MB        │ 21.8              │
│ 3   │ product_id    │ Union{Missing, String} │ 42.45 MRows │ 461.02 MB         │ 240.1 MB        │ 1.92              │
│ 4   │ category_id   │ Union{Missing, String} │ 42.45 MRows │ 931.1 MB          │ 161.99 MB       │ 5.75              │
│ 5   │ category_code │ Union{Missing, String} │ 42.45 MRows │ 782.07 MB         │ 179.64 MB       │ 4.35              │
│ 6   │ brand         │ Union{Missing, String} │ 42.45 MRows │ 367.39 MB         │ 159.58 MB       │ 2.3               │
│ 7   │ price         │ Union{Missing, String} │ 42.45 MRows │ 392.19 MB         │ 208.9 MB        │ 1.88              │
│ 8   │ user_id       │ Union{Missing, String} │ 42.45 MRows │ 526.27 MB         │ 216.89 MB       │ 2.43              │
│ 9   │ user_session  │ Union{Missing, String} │ 42.45 MRows │ 1.58 GB           │ 995.78 MB       │ 1.63              │
│ 10  │ Table total   │                        │ 42.45 MRows │ 6.35 GB           │ 2.15 GB         │ 2.95              │

I use the CSV.Rows as csv parser because it don't load entire csv to memory. The disadvantage of this approach is that the CSV.Rows does not determine column types - all columns are imported as Union{String, Missing}. You can use CSV.File for smaller datasets. Let's append second file of the dataset to the table:

julia> insert(t, CSV.Rows("ecommerce-behavior-data-from-multi-category-store/2019-Nov.csv", reuse_row=true), show_progress=true)
Time: 0:05:35 written: 67.55 MRows (201.38 KRows/sec), uncompressed size: 10.09 GB, compressed size: 3.77 GB, compression ratio: 2.68
DFTable path: ecommerce
10×6 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ column        │ type                   │ rows         │ uncompressed size │ compressed size │ compression ratio │
│     │ Symbol        │ String                 │ String       │ String            │ String          │ Float64           │
│ 1   │ event_time    │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 2.76 GB           │ 59.22 MB        │ 47.81             │
│ 2   │ event_type    │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 845.2 MB          │ 43.02 MB        │ 19.65             │
│ 3   │ product_id    │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 1.17 GB           │ 630.31 MB       │ 1.9               │
│ 4   │ category_id   │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 2.36 GB           │ 425.3 MB        │ 5.67              │
│ 5   │ category_code │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 1.97 GB           │ 470.16 MB       │ 4.28              │
│ 6   │ brand         │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 956.34 MB         │ 418.92 MB       │ 2.28              │
│ 7   │ price         │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 1015.72 MB        │ 542.99 MB       │ 1.87              │
│ 8   │ user_id       │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 1.33 GB           │ 614.19 MB       │ 2.22              │
│ 9   │ user_session  │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 4.1 GB            │ 2.79 GB         │ 1.47              │
│ 10  │ Table total   │                        │ 109.95 MRows │ 16.43 GB          │ 5.92 GB         │ 2.78              │

For now we have table, that takes 6 GB on disc (compare with 14GB of origin csv). All colums have type Union{Missing, String}. Let's see to our data:

julia> head(t)
10×9 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ event_time              │ event_type │ product_id │ category_id         │ category_code                       │ brand    │ price   │ user_id   │ user_session                         │
│     │ Union{Missing, String}  │ String⍰    │ String⍰    │ String⍰             │ Union{Missing, String}              │ String⍰  │ String⍰ │ String⍰   │ Union{Missing, String}               │
│ 1   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:00 UTC │ view       │ 44600062   │ 2103807459595387724 │ missing                             │ shiseido │ 35.79   │ 541312140 │ 72d76fde-8bb3-4e00-8c23-a032dfed738c │
│ 2   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:00 UTC │ view       │ 3900821    │ 2053013552326770905 │ appliances.environment.water_heater │ aqua     │ 33.20   │ 554748717 │ 9333dfbd-b87a-4708-9857-6336556b0fcc │
│ 3   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:01 UTC │ view       │ 17200506   │ 2053013559792632471 │ furniture.living_room.sofa          │ missing  │ 543.10  │ 519107250 │ 566511c2-e2e3-422b-b695-cf8e6e792ca8 │
│ 4   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:01 UTC │ view       │ 1307067    │ 2053013558920217191 │ computers.notebook                  │ lenovo   │ 251.74  │ 550050854 │ 7c90fc70-0e80-4590-96f3-13c02c18c713 │
│ 5   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:04 UTC │ view       │ 1004237    │ 2053013555631882655 │ electronics.smartphone              │ apple    │ 1081.98 │ 535871217 │ c6bd7419-2748-4c56-95b4-8cec9ff8b80d │
│ 6   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:05 UTC │ view       │ 1480613    │ 2053013561092866779 │ computers.desktop                   │ pulser   │ 908.62  │ 512742880 │ 0d0d91c2-c9c2-4e81-90a5-86594dec0db9 │
│ 7   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:08 UTC │ view       │ 17300353   │ 2053013553853497655 │ missing                             │ creed    │ 380.96  │ 555447699 │ 4fe811e9-91de-46da-90c3-bbd87ed3a65d │
│ 8   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:08 UTC │ view       │ 31500053   │ 2053013558031024687 │ missing                             │ luminarc │ 41.16   │ 550978835 │ 6280d577-25c8-4147-99a7-abc6048498d6 │
│ 9   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:10 UTC │ view       │ 28719074   │ 2053013565480109009 │                  │ baden    │ 102.71  │ 520571932 │ ac1cd4e5-a3ce-4224-a2d7-ff660a105880 │
│ 10  │ 2019-10-01 00:00:11 UTC │ view       │ 1004545    │ 2053013555631882655 │ electronics.smartphone              │ huawei   │ 566.01  │ 537918940 │ 406c46ed-90a4-4787-a43b-59a410c1a5fb │

Prepare data

Before transforming the data, enable the display of query progress for the table

julia> turnon_progress!(t)

You can turn off it later with turnoff_progress!(t)

Let's convert numeric columns to a numeric type using the categoryid column example. First check is where missings in categoryid

julia> sum(ismissing.(t.category_id))
Time: 0:00:07 read: 109.95 MRows (14.4 MRows/sec)

There are 0 missings in column.

Let's convert category_id to Int64 column.

First rename it:

julia> rename_column!(t, :category_id, :category_id_raw)

Create DFColumn:

c_id = parse.(Int64, t.category_id_raw)

10-element Array{Int64,1}:

Add new column before :category_column :

julia> add_column!(t, :category_id, c_id, before=:category_code)
Time: 0:00:14 read: 109.95 MRows (7.81 MRows/sec)

julia> head(t)
Time: 0:00:00 read: 65.54 KRows (260.05 MRows/sec)
10×10 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ event_time              │ event_type │ product_id │ category_id_raw     │ category_id         │ category_code                       │ brand    │ price   │ user_id   │ user_session                         │
│     │ Union{Missing, String}  │ String⍰    │ String⍰    │ String⍰             │ Int64               │ Union{Missing, String}              │ String⍰  │ String⍰ │ String⍰   │ Union{Missing, String}               │
│ 1   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:00 UTC │ view       │ 44600062   │ 2103807459595387724 │ 2103807459595387724 │ missing                             │ shiseido │ 35.79   │ 541312140 │ 72d76fde-8bb3-4e00-8c23-a032dfed738c │
│ 2   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:00 UTC │ view       │ 3900821    │ 2053013552326770905 │ 2053013552326770905 │ appliances.environment.water_heater │ aqua     │ 33.20   │ 554748717 │ 9333dfbd-b87a-4708-9857-6336556b0fcc │
│ 3   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:01 UTC │ view       │ 17200506   │ 2053013559792632471 │ 2053013559792632471 │ furniture.living_room.sofa          │ missing  │ 543.10  │ 519107250 │ 566511c2-e2e3-422b-b695-cf8e6e792ca8 │
│ 4   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:01 UTC │ view       │ 1307067    │ 2053013558920217191 │ 2053013558920217191 │ computers.notebook                  │ lenovo   │ 251.74  │ 550050854 │ 7c90fc70-0e80-4590-96f3-13c02c18c713 │
│ 5   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:04 UTC │ view       │ 1004237    │ 2053013555631882655 │ 2053013555631882655 │ electronics.smartphone              │ apple    │ 1081.98 │ 535871217 │ c6bd7419-2748-4c56-95b4-8cec9ff8b80d │
│ 6   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:05 UTC │ view       │ 1480613    │ 2053013561092866779 │ 2053013561092866779 │ computers.desktop                   │ pulser   │ 908.62  │ 512742880 │ 0d0d91c2-c9c2-4e81-90a5-86594dec0db9 │
│ 7   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:08 UTC │ view       │ 17300353   │ 2053013553853497655 │ 2053013553853497655 │ missing                             │ creed    │ 380.96  │ 555447699 │ 4fe811e9-91de-46da-90c3-bbd87ed3a65d │
│ 8   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:08 UTC │ view       │ 31500053   │ 2053013558031024687 │ 2053013558031024687 │ missing                             │ luminarc │ 41.16   │ 550978835 │ 6280d577-25c8-4147-99a7-abc6048498d6 │
│ 9   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:10 UTC │ view       │ 28719074   │ 2053013565480109009 │ 2053013565480109009 │                  │ baden    │ 102.71  │ 520571932 │ ac1cd4e5-a3ce-4224-a2d7-ff660a105880 │
│ 10  │ 2019-10-01 00:00:11 UTC │ view       │ 1004545    │ 2053013555631882655 │ 2053013555631882655 │ electronics.smartphone              │ huawei   │ 566.01  │ 537918940 │ 406c46ed-90a4-4787-a43b-59a410c1a5fb │

As before the column is not fully allocated. It reads one by one blocks from broadcast parse.(Int64, t.category_id_raw) and writes it to disc

Finaly remove the old column

julia> drop_column!(t, :category_id_raw)
DFTable path: ecommerce
10×6 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ column        │ type                   │ rows         │ uncompressed size │ compressed size │ compression ratio │
│     │ Symbol        │ String                 │ String       │ String            │ String          │ Float64           │
│ 1   │ event_time    │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 2.76 GB           │ 59.22 MB        │ 47.81             │
│ 2   │ event_type    │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 845.2 MB          │ 43.02 MB        │ 19.65             │
│ 3   │ product_id    │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 1.17 GB           │ 630.31 MB       │ 1.9               │
│ 4   │ category_id   │ Int64                  │ 109.95 MRows │ 838.86 MB         │ 298.06 MB       │ 2.81              │
│ 5   │ category_code │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 1.97 GB           │ 470.16 MB       │ 4.28              │
│ 6   │ brand         │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 956.34 MB         │ 418.92 MB       │ 2.28              │
│ 7   │ price         │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 1015.72 MB        │ 542.99 MB       │ 1.87              │
│ 8   │ user_id       │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 1.33 GB           │ 614.19 MB       │ 2.22              │
│ 9   │ user_session  │ Union{Missing, String} │ 109.95 MRows │ 4.1 GB            │ 2.79 GB         │ 1.47              │
│ 10  │ Table total   │                        │ 109.95 MRows │ 14.9 GB           │ 5.8 GB          │ 2.57              │

julia> head(t)
Time: 0:00:00 read: 65.54 KRows (2.25 MRows/sec)
10×9 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ event_time              │ event_type │ product_id │ category_id         │ category_code                       │ brand    │ price   │ user_id   │ user_session                         │
│     │ Union{Missing, String}  │ String⍰    │ String⍰    │ Int64               │ Union{Missing, String}              │ String⍰  │ String⍰ │ String⍰   │ Union{Missing, String}               │
│ 1   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:00 UTC │ view       │ 44600062   │ 2103807459595387724 │ missing                             │ shiseido │ 35.79   │ 541312140 │ 72d76fde-8bb3-4e00-8c23-a032dfed738c │
│ 2   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:00 UTC │ view       │ 3900821    │ 2053013552326770905 │ appliances.environment.water_heater │ aqua     │ 33.20   │ 554748717 │ 9333dfbd-b87a-4708-9857-6336556b0fcc │
│ 3   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:01 UTC │ view       │ 17200506   │ 2053013559792632471 │ furniture.living_room.sofa          │ missing  │ 543.10  │ 519107250 │ 566511c2-e2e3-422b-b695-cf8e6e792ca8 │
│ 4   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:01 UTC │ view       │ 1307067    │ 2053013558920217191 │ computers.notebook                  │ lenovo   │ 251.74  │ 550050854 │ 7c90fc70-0e80-4590-96f3-13c02c18c713 │
│ 5   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:04 UTC │ view       │ 1004237    │ 2053013555631882655 │ electronics.smartphone              │ apple    │ 1081.98 │ 535871217 │ c6bd7419-2748-4c56-95b4-8cec9ff8b80d │
│ 6   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:05 UTC │ view       │ 1480613    │ 2053013561092866779 │ computers.desktop                   │ pulser   │ 908.62  │ 512742880 │ 0d0d91c2-c9c2-4e81-90a5-86594dec0db9 │
│ 7   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:08 UTC │ view       │ 17300353   │ 2053013553853497655 │ missing                             │ creed    │ 380.96  │ 555447699 │ 4fe811e9-91de-46da-90c3-bbd87ed3a65d │
│ 8   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:08 UTC │ view       │ 31500053   │ 2053013558031024687 │ missing                             │ luminarc │ 41.16   │ 550978835 │ 6280d577-25c8-4147-99a7-abc6048498d6 │
│ 9   │ 2019-10-01 00:00:10 UTC │ view       │ 28719074   │ 2053013565480109009 │                  │ baden    │ 102.71  │ 520571932 │ ac1cd4e5-a3ce-4224-a2d7-ff660a105880 │
│ 10  │ 2019-10-01 00:00:11 UTC │ view       │ 1004545    │ 2053013555631882655 │ electronics.smartphone              │ huawei   │ 566.01  │ 537918940 │ 406c46ed-90a4-4787-a43b-59a410c1a5fb │

You can convert productid, userid and price in similar way.

Converting event_time is a bit more complicated:

julia> sum(ismissing.(t.event_time)) #check missings
Time: 0:00:06 read: 109.95 MRows (17.64 MRows/sec)
julia> rename_column!(t, :event_time, :event_time_raw)

julia> string_col = string.(t.event_time_raw) #get DFColumn{String} from DFColumn{Union{String, Missing}}

julia> date_convert(s)::DateTime = DateTime(parse.(Int64, SubString.(string.(s), (1:4, 6:7, 9:10, 12:13, 15:16, 18:19)))...) #Conversion function

julia> result_col = date_convert.(string_col)
Time: 0:00:00 read: 109.95 MRows (237.47 MRows/sec)

julia> add_column!(t, :event_time, result_col, before = :event_type)
Time: 0:00:43 read: 109.95 MRows (2.54 MRows/sec)

julia> drop_column!(t, :event_time_raw)

Finaly convert all String,Missing columns to String columns with replacing missings by empty strings

julia> rename_column!(t, :event_type, :event_type_raw)

julia> string_convert(x) = ismissing(x) ? "" : String(x)
string_convert (generic function with 1 method)

julia> string_convert.(t.event_type_raw)
Time: 0:00:00 read: 109.95 MRows (174.5 MRows/sec)

julia> add_column!(t, :event_type, string_convert.(t.event_type_raw), before = :product_id)
Time: 0:00:06 read: 109.95 MRows (17.9 MRows/sec)

julia> drop_column!(t, :event_type_raw)

Other columns are converted in the same way.

Now we have the prepared table:

ulia> table_stats(t)
10×6 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ column        │ type     │ rows         │ uncompressed size │ compressed size │ compression ratio │
│     │ Symbol        │ String   │ String       │ String            │ String          │ Float64           │
│ 1   │ event_time    │ DateTime │ 109.95 MRows │ 838.86 MB         │ 43.81 MB        │ 19.15             │
│ 2   │ event_type    │ String   │ 109.95 MRows │ 845.2 MB          │ 43.02 MB        │ 19.65             │
│ 3   │ product_id    │ Int64    │ 109.95 MRows │ 838.86 MB         │ 403.31 MB       │ 2.08              │
│ 4   │ category_id   │ Int64    │ 109.95 MRows │ 838.86 MB         │ 298.06 MB       │ 2.81              │
│ 5   │ category_code │ String   │ 109.95 MRows │ 1.97 GB           │ 467.32 MB       │ 4.31              │
│ 6   │ brand         │ String   │ 109.95 MRows │ 956.34 MB         │ 418.3 MB        │ 2.29              │
│ 7   │ price         │ Float64  │ 109.95 MRows │ 838.86 MB         │ 475.22 MB       │ 1.77              │
│ 8   │ user_id       │ Int64    │ 109.95 MRows │ 838.86 MB         │ 424.92 MB       │ 1.97              │
│ 9   │ user_session  │ String   │ 109.95 MRows │ 4.1 GB            │ 2.79 GB         │ 1.47              │
│ 10  │ Table total   │          │ 109.95 MRows │ 11.92 GB          │ 5.3 GB          │ 2.25              │

It's typed and takes up more than two times less disk space than csv

Work with data

Get unique event_type and brands:

julia> unique(t.event_type)
Time: 0:00:09 read: 109.95 MRows (11.14 MRows/sec)
3-element Array{Any,1}:

julia> unique(t.brand[t.brand .!= ""])
Time: 0:00:14 read: 109.95 MRows (7.54 MRows/sec)
4303-element Array{Any,1}:

Mean price of huawai and apple

julia> using Statistics
julia> mean(t.price[t.brand.=="huawei"])
Time: 0:00:04 read: 109.95 MRows (22.55 MRows/sec)

julia> mean(t.price[t.brand.=="apple"])
Time: 0:00:05 read: 109.95 MRows (18.97 MRows/sec)

Materialize all rows, where price is more then 2000, event_type is "purchase" and brand is "samsung"

julia> t[(t.price.>2000).&(t.event_type.=="purchase").&(t.brand.=="samsung"), :] |> materialize
Time: 0:00:11 read: 109.95 MRows (9.83 MRows/sec)
217×9 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ event_time          │ event_type │ product_id │ category_id         │ category_code          │ brand   │ price   │ user_id   │ user_session                         │
│     │ DateTime            │ String     │ Int64      │ Int64               │ String                 │ String  │ Float64 │ Int64     │ String                               │
│ 1   │ 2019-10-01T06:33:37 │ purchase   │ 1802024    │ 2053013554415534427 │   │ samsung │ 2573.79 │ 548673724 │ 0fa51c80-9a1d-40cc-a9c8-cb409a8f2baa │
│ 2   │ 2019-10-02T16:02:30 │ purchase   │ 1802024    │ 2053013554415534427 │   │ samsung │ 2573.79 │ 546970144 │ 9f1dea21-6679-4129-ba05-ed32147cdbc8 │
│ 3   │ 2019-10-05T08:54:49 │ purchase   │ 1802024    │ 2053013554415534427 │   │ samsung │ 2573.79 │ 534273035 │ 419cd92d-0395-48ed-86bc-293d0a7e44fb │
│ 4   │ 2019-10-05T09:37:14 │ purchase   │ 1802024    │ 2053013554415534427 │   │ samsung │ 2573.79 │ 555860702 │ e9f509b7-6cbb-43ce-b877-3a08d197b73c │
│ 215 │ 2019-11-30T20:37:32 │ purchase   │ 1005284    │ 2053013555631882655 │ electronics.smartphone │ samsung │ 2562.49 │ 556588365 │ 6a939884-9605-406b-a5c8-45e1a31e9956 │
│ 216 │ 2019-11-30T22:27:16 │ purchase   │ 100015658  │ 2053013555631882655 │ electronics.smartphone │ samsung │ 2562.49 │ 512762058 │ 8b65dc47-baaf-4348-8db6-3801b2ff13f9 │
│ 217 │ 2019-11-30T22:28:47 │ purchase   │ 100015658  │ 2053013555631882655 │ electronics.smartphone │ samsung │ 2562.49 │ 512762058 │ 53effbbc-7cc9-4e37-9d69-136b02cb88e9 │

Check above condition only on each 10th row of the table:

v = t[1:10:end, :]
Time: 0:00:00 read: 109.95 MRows (221.21 MRows/sec)
View of table ecommerce
Projection: event_time=>col(event_time)::Dates.DateTime; event_type=>col(event_type)::String; product_id=>col(product_id)::Int64; category_id=>col(category_id)::Int64; category_code=>col(category_code)::String; brand=>col(brand)::String; price=>col(price)::Float64; user_id=>col(user_id)::Int64; user_session=>col(user_session)::String
Selection: 1:10:109950741

julia> v[(v.price.>2000).&(v.event_type.=="purchase").&(v.brand.=="samsung"), :] |> materialize
Time: 0:00:02 read: 109.95 MRows (40.87 MRows/sec)
23×9 DataFrames.DataFrame
│ Row │ event_time          │ event_type │ product_id │ category_id         │ category_code          │ brand   │ price   │ user_id   │ user_session                         │
│     │ Dates.DateTime      │ String     │ Int64      │ Int64               │ String                 │ String  │ Float64 │ Int64     │ String                               │
│ 1   │ 2019-10-29T11:20:54 │ purchase   │ 1800579    │ 2053013554415534427 │   │ samsung │ 2201.68 │ 563223250 │ 8f1e2791-72cf-4f2f-9782-4f064771b20b │
│ 2   │ 2019-11-01T19:25:50 │ purchase   │ 1802024    │ 2053013554415534427 │   │ samsung │ 2574.04 │ 562294362 │ f3b2be78-853e-4627-9540-8a1a02ff6bdd │
│ 3   │ 2019-11-10T17:48:23 │ purchase   │ 1005284    │ 2053013555631882655 │ electronics.smartphone │ samsung │ 2562.49 │ 569266155 │ 173075bd-dfe1-43ae-9b3a-82639936a6ea │
│ 4   │ 2019-11-11T16:52:10 │ purchase   │ 1005284    │ 2053013555631882655 │ electronics.smartphone │ samsung │ 2562.49 │ 513105762 │ 1ac781e3-db0c-48e6-a332-46562402ccc9 │
│ 5   │ 2019-11-13T08:57:56 │ purchase   │ 1802024    │ 2053013554415534427 │   │ samsung │ 2573.79 │ 567131154 │ e4fc43ef-36c2-4f2d-9512-0cfcf1126d4a │
│ 6   │ 2019-11-16T13:01:29 │ purchase   │ 1802024    │ 2053013554415534427 │   │ samsung │ 2573.79 │ 518371713 │ 7934aeef-32df-4eb3-8f9f-d873a97d2c60 │
│ 7   │ 2019-11-16T15:10:15 │ purchase   │ 1802024    │ 2053013554415534427 │   │ samsung │ 2573.79 │ 572245478 │ 8e4414a3-61e5-461c-a1e2-0bc9b53db381 │

Calculate sum of prices for rows, matching condition above:

julia> using Statistics

julia> mean(v[(v.price.>2000).&(v.event_type.=="purchase").&(v.brand.=="samsung"), :price])
Time: 0:00:02 read: 109.95 MRows (51.44 MRows/sec)

Public API


Lazy view of table. Do not instantate it directly, use indexing of table


DFView is characterized by projection and selection. Projection is columns of view and selection is conditions and/or range of rows Indexing operations on the table are proxied to indexing on the full view of the table (i.e. view with no restrictions in selection and all table rows in projection). Columns of DFView also accessible as properties To get DataFrame from DFView use materialize(v::DFView)


df = DataFrame((a=collect(1:100), b = collect(1:100), c = collect(1:100)))
t = create_table("test", from = df)
t[:,:]  #full view of table
v = t[:, [:a,:c]]
v2 = v[1:20, :] # == t[1:20, [:a,:c]]
v = t[:a=>(a)->a<50, :] #view with rows where value of column a less then 50
v = t[(:a, :b)=>(a, b)->a + b < 50, :] #view with rows where sum of columns a and b less then 50
v = t[t.a .+ t.b .< 50, :] #same as above, but using broadcast of columns
v = t[:, (e = :a, k=(:a, :c)=>(a,c)->a+c)] #view with columns :e (projection of origin column :a) and column :k (sum of origin columns a and c)



Lazy representation of table column. Do not instantate it directly, use indexing of table or view.


DFColumn is not AbstractVector, but it support iteration and getindex. Iteration is much more efficient then consequentially get index. You can materialize DFColumn to Vector with materialize(c::DFColumn) Broadcasting of DFColumn also supported. Broadcast which arguments is DFColumns and, optionally, scalars is DFColumn too.


t = open_table("test_table") #table with `price` column

col = t.price

count = length(col)

price_condition = 10 .< t.price .< 40

in_condition_count = sum(price_condition)

in_condition = col[price_condition]

first_100_in_condition_vector = materialize(in_condition[1:100])
create_table(path::String; from, column_names ::Union{AbstractVector{Symbol}, AbstractVector{String}}, types ::AbstractVector{<:Type}; block_size = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, show_progress = false)

Create new table


  • path - directory to story table. Must not exists
  • column_names - names of columns
  • types - types of columns
  • block_size - count of rows in processing block default is 65536


import CSV
create_table("new_table", [:a, :b, :c], [Int64, String, Float64])
create_table(path::String; from, block_size = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, show_progress = false)

Create table from existing data


  • path - directory to story table. Must not exists
  • from - exists data to insert to table. Must support Tables.schema and Tables.rows interfaces
  • block_size - count of rows in processing block default is 65536
  • show_progress - show progress string while inserting data


import CSV
create_table("table_from_csv", from = CSV.Rows("some.csv"), show_progress = true)

using DataFrames
df = DataFrame((a=collect(1:100), b=collect(1:100)))
create_table("table_from_df", from = df, show_progress = true)
create_table(path::String; from, column_names ::Union{AbstractVector{Symbol}, AbstractVector{String}}, types ::AbstractVector{<:Type}; block_size = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, show_progress = false)

Create new empty table

add_column!(table::DFTable, name::Symbol, data; before::Union{Symbol, Nothing} = nothing, show_progress = false)

Add column to table data can be AbstractVector or Iteratable or DFColumn

add_column(v::DFView, name::Symbol, column::DFColum)

Add column to view. Column must have same selection as view

insert(table::DFTable, rows; show_progress = false)

Insert rows to table. rows must support Tables.schema and Tables.rows interfaces


Materialize DFView or DFTable as DataFrame


Materialize DFColumn{T} as Vector{T}. Materialize is more efficient then collect(T, c::DFColumn{T})

head(v::DFView, rows = 10)
head(t::DFTable, rows = 10)

Materialize first rows rows of DFView or DFTable


Return by row iterator of table or view. Rows represented as NamedTuples

map_to_column(f::Function, v::DFView)
map_to_column(f::Function, v::DFView)

Return DFColumn by applying function to each row of DFView Result type of function must be supported by DFColumn


df = DataFrame((a=collect(1:100), b = collect(1:100), c = collect(1:100)))
t = create_table("test", from = df)

map_to_column(t[1:50, [:a,:c]]) do a, c 
    return a < 10 ? a : b
deserialize(::Val{Symb}, args::Vararg{Symbol})::Type

Define rule of serialization and desiralization of Julia type to column type string Define it to custom bits type for allowing to store this type in DFTable


ColumnTypes.serialize(::Type{Date}) = Ast(Symbol("Date"))
ColumnTypes.deserialize(::Val{Symbol("Date")}) = Date

function ColumnTypes.serialize(::Type{Union{T, Missing}}) where {T} 
    res = Ast(Symbol("Missing")) 
    push!(res, serialize(T))
    return res
ColumnTypes.deserialize(a::Val{Symbol("Missing")}, base) = Union{Missing, deserialize(base)}

function ColumnTypes.serialize(t::Type{<:Tuple})
    res = Ast(Symbol("Tuple")) 
    for sub_type in t.types
        push!(res, serialize(sub_type))
    return res
function ColumnTypes.deserialize(a::Val{Symbol("Tuple")}, args...)
    isempty(args) && throw(UndefinedType("Tuple"))
    return Tuple{deserialize.(args)...}


Future plans

Julia is my hobby, so further development depends on my free time, and, more importantly, on the community’s interest in the package. If the DataFrameDBs is interesting, then the following features are possible

  • Adding NamedTuples, Vectors, Nested Vectors (i.e. Vector{Vector{Vector}}), Vectors of Strings and Tuples of Strings to stored types
  • Adding CategorialArrays to stored types
  • Integration with OnlineStats and aggregation functional directly on DFView without materialization
  • Database infrastructure - i.e. several tables with possibility of joins, persistent join indexes and etc.
  • Bloom filters as secondary indexes
  • Integration with Tables.jl interfaces and DataFrames.jl interfaces
  • Bulk updates possibility
  • Primary key, aka stored sort order with possibility of resort stored data